William Guy Carr: Globalists, Satanists & Perverts
September 9, 2018

(left, Commander William James Guy Carr worked for Canadian Intelligence during World War Two)
William Guy Carr, 1895-1959, a WWI submarine warfare veteran, first sounded the alarm on the Satanist conspiracy
in books like Pawns in their Game (1955) and
Red Fog Over America (1956.)
"Knowing that there was in existence a "Secret Power" which had used Nazism and intended to use Communism to serve its own secret plans, and further its own ambitions to usurp undisputed world domination, I was determined to find out more... I finally realized that the Illuminati, whose secret plot and intentions I had exposed, were controlled AT THE TOP by the Synagogue of Satan."
By Commander Guy Carr
(from Satan, Prince of this World, 1959, Chapter 8, Abridged)
I admit that as late as 1945, I was convinced that One World Government was the ONLY solution to the world's many problems particularly political, economic, social, and religious.
It wasn't until I came in personal contact with men who advocated and helped organize the United Nations Organization that I began to suspect that something was wrong somewhere.
When I was appointed to the staff of Naval Service headquarters in 1944, as the author of seven books already published, I was welcomed into the internationalist set. Thus, I came in personal contact with men in the top level of government in Canada who were proteÌgeÌs of William Lyon Mackenzie King, then Prime Minister. His house was "real" close to the Soviet Embassy. His henchmen (hatchet men would be a better word) were ruthless and unscrupulous. Mackenzie King himself was as inscrutable as the proverbial sphinx.

As one man who knew him when at University, and served him afterwards until he died, said in a puzzled tone of voice; "If Mackenzie King did have a friend close enough to confide in, it must have been the Devil." Another said: "He was so steeped in international intrigue he didn't dare marry for fear he might talk in his sleep."
While I was on the staff in Ottawa I was carefully sounded out to determine if my loyalty to the British Crown was so pronounced that I wouldn't be likely to accept the "idea' of a One World Government even if those who presented the "idea' emphasized the fact that national governments would be allowed to rule their own affairs. This presentation is so obviously a lie that I was extremely cautious from then on.
Knowing that there was in existence a "Secret Power" which had used Nazism and intended to use Communism to serve its own secret plans, and further its own ambitions to usurp undisputed world domination, I was determined to find out more. So I pretended to become an internationalist. I was then brought in personal contact with men at the deputy minister level of government, and also with some of the "Specialists," "Experts," and "Advisers" who served the government behind the scenes. Then, I began to suspect the truth.

I may be wrong but observation of men who had obviously defected from God and become Satanists, convinced me they could recognize and identify each other by the fold of their handkerchief which they wore in top pocket of their coats.
They obviously accepted Pike's dogma as far as women were concerned: Pike required that the members of all Councils of his New and Reformed Palladian Rite organize selected females into "Councils of Adoption." These women were to be used as the common property of the male members because, according to Pike's dogma, before a member became "Perfect," he had to obtain absolute control over the sentiments of the heart and desires of the flesh. He claimed that many men were led astray from the path of duty because they were weak enough to feel love and affection for women. He argued that in order for a member to become "perfect" he must obtain absolute control over his senses and sentiments, and suggested that the best way to obtain control over the sexual urges is to use women "Often and without passion and thus enchain women to their will."
Any person who has had to live in London, Ottawa and/or Washington knows that as far as homosexuality is concerned, all three are modern cities like Sodom and Gomorrah. The "Burgess and MacLean Case" is typical of what I mean.

He states "sexually infamous persons, or their proteges, are being appointed to ambassadorships and other high offices; profligates sometimes become popular mayors of metropolises, members of cabinets, or leaders of political parties. Among our political officials there is a vast legion of profligates both heterosexual and homosexual. Our morals have changed so notably that continence, chastity, and faithfulness are increasingly viewed as oddities."
Professor Sorokin's book didn't get the same kind, or volume, of publicity as did Dr. Kinsey's books dealing with the alleged moral practices of males and females.
According to Satanism, it is perfectly right and proper to encourage moral turpitude in all classes of society, and at all levels of government, by convincing the public that abnormal sexual behavior is normal; and that the moral code accepted by civilized nations, based on the Commandments of God and teachings of the Holy Scriptures, is old fashioned and introduced by Church and state for selfish purposes. But behind the building up of a WRONG conception of sex, and its purposes as intended by God our Creator, is the Satanic principle that "The best revolutionary is a youth absolutely devoid of morals." When Lenin stated this as recorded in Pawns in The Game, he only confirmed what other Satanists had stated a hundred times previously.
It is Satanism, as it is direct from THE TOP, which is responsible for the increase in juvenile delinquency, but those selected by the governments of the world to investigate this problem invariably give every CAUSE other than the right one...
I discussed [these issues] with a top level official of the Department of Health and Welfare in Canada. He literally snorted: "Well! What do you suggest we do ... clean every homosexual out of the civil service, and throw them in prison where they can indulge their queer ideas of pleasure to their hearts desire? Many of them are brilliantly minded men. When on the job they are efficient and work long hours. You seem to forget Oscar Wilde was a homosexual. Stop trying to save the human race. The vast majority aren't worth the time or the trouble. Most of them will be better off if they are forced to live under a totalitarian dictatorship; they will then get what the government decides is good for them."
When in the hospital in 1945, ... I delved and dug deeper and deeper, with the cooperation of one of Canada's leading librarians, until I was able to learn about the double lives men like Weishaupt and Pike had led. But although I continued studying and reading it was not until 1956, AFTER Pawns and The Red Fog had been published, that I finally realized that the Illuminati, whose secret plot and intentions I had exposed, were controlled AT THE TOP by the Synagogue of Satan.
It wasn't until I was given information regarding Pike's dual personality, that I was able to dig up proof that the Synagogue of Satan is controlled by the High Priests of the Luciferian Creed. Once I had penetrated this secret it became obvious that the wars and revolutions which plague the world today are part and parcel of the Luciferian conspiracy, and that ALL aspects of the World Revolutionary Movement are part of that conspiracy.
(From Feb 27, 2013)
Makow comment - Carr may still be confused as to whom is behind one world government, when he says:
"While I was on the staff in Ottawa I was carefully sounded out to determine if my loyalty to the British Crown was so pronounced that I wouldn't be likely to accept the "idea' of a One World Government .." The British Crown, i.e. the Masonic Jewish shareholders of the Bank of England are behind one world government, as it is simply a makeover of "British" imperialism. The US is the current instrument of this agenda.
Maxwell said (September 9, 2018):
Been reading your articles for 3 years.
Have decided you are the best in telling us what is wrong with the world.
It is a mouthful to explain to friends - Cabalist Satanic, elitist bankers, the Illuminati, Freemasonry, Zio-Judaism, Crooked Christian hierarchy, the Bank of London, the Fed, Corporate Capitalists, Communists and the super rich, crooked, satanic monarchies, etc.
I just call it all Communism.
Thankyou for your daily info and insights.
As your correspondent said to today, those with half a neuron in their brain should be aware. But most (98%) would not have a clue about the hidden hands.
Most have never heard of the Illuminati, etc.
Is it James Thompson's 5% of the most intelligent that have any hope of understanding?
And then, many in this mere 5% are with the Satanists. Noam Chomsky's "kept" academics.